Corporate Governance
MAR Governance at a glance
A comprehensive corporate governance framework is in place at AlRayan Bank that focuses on the rights and equitable treatment of shareholders, disclosure and transparency, and the duties of the Board of Directors. It involves systems, policies and processes for ensuring proper accountability, probity and openness in the conduct of the Bank’s business.
It defines the roles and responsibilities, separation of duty, transparency and disclosure requirements of the key participants and reports issued. This covers the Board itself, Board committees, Sharia Supervisory Board, executive management, internal and external audit, sharia audit, internal controls and interactions with supervisory and regulatory authorities.
The MAR Corporate Governance system is fully described in the Bank’s Group Corporate Governance Framework Policy and Manual approved by the Board and developed in accordance with local and relevant overseas regulations and best international standards and principles on governance. It addresses all underlying principles, operating aspects and the composition of each body within the framework. It is freely accessible on this website under Policies section.