Retail Banking
Al Thahabi High Profit Savings
Introduction, Key Attributes and Expected Profit Rates
The Al Thahabi High Profit Savings Account is a flagship product of AlRayan Bank. It allows customers to place their savings into this account and earn one of the highest expected profit rates in Qatar.
Key attributes of this product are as follows:
Opening an Al Thahabi account is straightforward and is just like opening any savings account with the bank.
The Al Thahabi account accrues profit on a daily basis and pays out the profit at the end of the month.
This account allows the customer to enjoy the highest profit rate for balances up to QR 2 million.
Balances higher than QR 2 million continue to enjoy a profit but at a lower rate.
The account comes with a personalized debit card.
This account allows the customer up to one debit transaction per month without compromising the expected profit rate.
Opening an Al Thahabi account is easy and straightforward. Log in to your Mobile or Internet Banking, select Open 'Al Thahabi Account' under the Account Menu and within seconds you will be guided into successfully opening your account.
Click here for detailed “Terms and Conditions”